Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Light At The End Of The Tunnel (it's a sad light)

At the beginning of this project 7 weeks seemed like allot of time, too much time almost  But now as we are coming closer to the end it seems like there hasn't been enough time to get done all we want to get done. I wish we had more time actually. This 20% of our time that is dedicated to the project is my favorite time of the day and week. Its the part of my homework where i get to go outside and do something I actually want to do, its something I look forward to doing and makes me want to go home and get all my other homework out of the way so I can just spray paint.

I'm also pretty excited about the TED talk. Normally I'm pretty nervous about presentations and sharing my projects with people. This time I'm excited and happy to do this, I actually wish we were in the auditorium and in front of more people. I have a few ideas about what I'm going to talk about, but I'm really liking one and think I can fill my 5 minutes pretty well with it. Lets just hope i feel this way about it when I'm about to walk on stage and present on the first day.

Anyway back to the spray paint. I was actually able to get out 2 times this week. Surprisingly the snow and rain and wind didn't ruin everything this week. I didn't go out as much as I would have liked but i still got some painting in. In the past few days I've done some more detail work and used some different tools to etch out designs onto the paper. Some were horrible failures where others turned out pretty decent. But i will post pictures of the paintings as soon as i can. As some of you know my computer crashed. So as soon as i can get new pictures of the paintings and as soon as my sister lets me back on her computer we should be good to go.

I also tried some lettering this week, again. Lets just say its getting better, slowly. very very slowly. Lettering is allot harder then I thought. Drawling something out and painting it with airborne color is not the same at all. Mad props to people who are able to free hand 3D stuff, this girl is struggling to get some 2D words to look decent. Having control of a spray can is supper hard. Its not like a brush where you know exactly where its going. Using a spray can is an art in itself. I hope it gets better with practice because I don't want my final project to look this weird.

Well I guess that's it for the week. My vlog is bellow, its supper corny and awkward and I apologize. Pictures will be up soon.


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