Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Aerosols Cans & No Real Plan

For the next few weeks I have to learn to do something, anything. So I chose to learn to spray paint. Why? Well frankly I have no real idea. Am I particularly artistic? No. Do I know the first thing about graffiti or spray painting? No. Do I know people that know anything? Nope. For the next few weeks I will be documenting my adventures in my attempt to achieve some type of skill in the art of spray painting.

First thing I need to address. I will not be tagging the side of buildings or people's houses. I am trying to get threw at least one project without adding to my criminal record.  I will be spray painting card stock and poster board in my back yard with parental supervision.

I have read several websites on the supplies I will need and why. Before reading it I didn't really thing a fumes mask or safety goggles were all that necessary. "As a safety persecution,wear a respirator over your mouth and nose when you are using the spray paint to protect your lungs from any damaging paint fumes and tiny paint particles that could be inhaled and damage your health."(Johnston,1) 

So what do I plan to do during this project? Honestly, spray paint. I plan to spray paint and that is about it. I hope to learn techniques like how to give texture to paintings, how to give objects a shadow, and how to make it look like I have some artistic ability.

Overall though i'm pretty psyched for the next few weeks because basically I get to sit outside and play with spray paint for a few hours a week. And this isn't all because I want to, its because I "have to". Okay so I don't "have to" but I have to learn something, and there has never been a better excuse in history to get you parents let you by spray paint than "its for an enrichment project". So by the end of this week I will be armed with about 20 cans of spray paint, a fumes mask, poster board and dangerous.

At the end of the next few weeks I will hope fully have a few decent looking pieces to prove to you that I've actually been doing something and hope fully a five foot piece. And, fingers crossed, they wont turn out as a horrific tragedy. But if they do you have something to laugh at.

Wish me luck!

Johnston, Kelsi. "Spray Paint Art Tools." EHow. Demand Media, 27 Mar. 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.

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